How To Hydrate Your Skin Naturally
We all want soft, hydrated skin, right?
Unfortunately, everyday things like weather, harsh chemicals and air conditioning can leave you with dry skin. Whether it’s your hands, face or whole body, here are some tips to assist with skin hydration:
Firstly, let’s look at why your skin can become dry.
Some people are predisposed to dry skin (that’s me by the way). However, no matter what type of skin you have, there are lots of reasons why your skin can dry out.
Firstly, the weather being cold, dry and windy can cause a lot of dryness. Likewise, exposing your skin to the sun can also dry your skin out.
Hand washing. Keeping your hands clean and germ free is essential, however, handwashing strips your skin of its natural, oily protective barrier.
Here’s one I didn’t know. Long hot showers can also contribute to drying skin.
Medical conditions can also cause dry, flaky, itchy or scaly skin, eg. Eczema.
Now, let’s take a look at ways to hydrate your skin:
Drink lots of filtered water. Hydrate from the inside out and provide your cells with the hydration they need by drinking plenty of filtered water.
Make your own hand soap. By making your own soap, (which is very easy by the way) is a sure way of knowing what is going on to your skin. (See recipe below for homemade Hand Soap).
Keep showers warm and short. Nobody loves long, hot showers more than I do! Well, did. Not since I discovered that hot showers are incredibly drying to the skin. Turn the temperature down a tad and take shorter showers to avoid as much exposure to hot water. Always make sure that as soon as you hop out of the shower, you moisturise your skin with a soothing coconut oil or nourishing lotion that is free of harsh chemicals. For the more delicate skin on your face, there are some soothing ingredients that can be made into a facial oil.
Exfoliate your skin. Exfoliation is an important part of skin care. When you exfoliate, the dead skin cells on the surface of your skin are removed. This helps the hydrators and moisturisers you use to do their job. Remember, that over exfoliating can also dry your skin out. No more than two to three times per week.
Use healthy make-up. If you wear make-up, your skin is exposed every day to the ingredients in your make-up, some of which can be irritating or drying. It really pays to make sure your make-up is safe and healthy for your skin.
Care for your skin after sun exposure. Always wear a mineral sunscreen and moisturise after exposure to the sun as it can also be very drying. Aloe vera is healing and hydrating and is great for use after sun exposure.
Use a humidifier. Dry air sucks the moisture right out of your skin. By running a humidifier, you can pump some moisture into the air.
By following the above tips, your skin will stay soft and supple.
Here is the recipe for the SUPER EASY and MOISTURISING DIY Liquid Hand Soap
Moisture Dew Liquid Hand Soap
3/4 cup purified water
3/4 cup liquid castile soap
1 tbspn vitamin e oil
1 tbspn sweet almond oil
1 tbspn witch hazel
15 drops essential oils of choice. I like to use Lime (that’s my hubby’s favourite 😊) but you could also use peppermint or lemongrass.
Combine all ingredients in glass jar that has a soap dispenser lid (pump). Start with the purified water, then the castile soap and finally the oils.
Put the lid on and shake well.
Shake before each use.
Use a glass jar.
Because you’re adding oils and water into this recipe, the oils and water will naturally separate. It’s best to give the soap a good shake before each use.
The witch hazel has been added to this recipe because it has anti-bacterial properties.
Only use purified water in this recipe because water, when not purified can attract bad bacteria. It’s as simple as boiling the water prior to using to purify it.